Deepwater rig, offshore, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Replacing coflexi hose, deep water rig, offshore Nigeria Cutting steel brackets off 36 inch conductor deepsea drilling rig, offshore Nigeria. Driller at the controls on the drill floor, deep sea rig, offshore Nigeria Transferring crew from platform to supply boat, offshore Thailand Offshore platforms, Thailand Supply boat on route between planforms, offshore Thailand Sorting pipe, Kazakhastan Wiping drill mud while lifting pipe, Kazakhstan Winter snow on production facility, Kazakhstan. Surveyor at work, upgrading facilities, Kazakhstan In deep winter steam freezes on venting pipe, Kazakhastan An oil and gas processing ship, offshore Nigeria A rigger at work, offshore Thailand A supply ship departs after unloading, offshore Nigeria Sub-sea 3-D modelling, UK. Discussing sub-sea 3-D modelling, UK. Working on 3-D field modelling, UK. i Annual Report assignments for Chevron in Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Thailand and the UK